Get To Know: Bok Bok

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We caught up with long-time resident & South London’s very own Bok Bok. The founder of Night Slugs & AP Life with a strong focus on grassroots club music chats about the progression of their sound, their inspiration from travels & in community, plus lots more.

Delve deeper & check their full show archive full of diverse styles in the mix, guaranteed to be eclectic but always remains rooted in UK sound system music.


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Rinse is at the centre of a vast musical community. As genres, artists and scenes evolve and fragment, so Rinse remains locked to the pulse of the underground. Inspiring and nurturing people to create the music that they want to hear, the results speak for themselves.

Est.1994. Transmitting uncompromising and innovative music out of its East London heartland, it started life as a pirate station established by a group of friends wanting to share the music that inspired them

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